Turning Old Spaces into Modern Places
On Sept. 26, 2023, Amanda J. Staley Harrison, assistant curator of MU Museum of Anthropology will give us an insider’s view of repurposing historic buildings.
Amanda joined the Museum of Anthropology in 2014. At the time, it was housed in Swallow Hall, built in 1893. Later, Missouri’s only anthropology museum moved and reopened in 2017 in yet another historic building, the 1938 Ellis Fischel State Cancer Hospital, then renamed Mizzou North, which was demolished in 2022.

Bringing Historic Buildings Back
Get a peek at a former car dealership and funeral home’s transformation into The Atrium, an event center in this video. At the Aug. 22 meeting of CoMo Preservation, Tanner Ott of Alley A Realty will discuss how his firm rehabs buildings like The Atrium.

Apply for Columbia’s Preservation Commission
You can apply for a place on Columbia’s Historic Preservation Commission. Image courtesy of Columbia’s Historic Preservation Commission and Fitz Images.

July 25- Henry Kirklin’s legacy
At 7 p.m. on July 25, you’ll have an opportunity to hear about a nearly lost hero of history, Henry Kirklin, an African-American born into slavery.

June 20-Learn about Columbia’s unique architecture, other events
June 20 talk about Columbia’s unique architecture

Celebrating a year of action
Accomplishments of CoMo Preservation and ways to get involved

Anniversary Gala May 23
Join us for a gala on May 23 to celebrate our first anniversary in the J.W. “Blind” Boone House on Fourth Street.