Historic Movie Theater Tours on KFRU

Listen in to Ted Farnen on KFRU’s Columbia Today and Dianna Borsi O’Brien talk about CoMo Preservation’s upcoming historic movie theater walking tours.

Last Saturday’s sold out but there are spots open for the 10-Noon walks on April 27, May 18 and June 8. The walks are free, but registration is required. Click on the date to sign up.

Their talk also covered Dianna’s book, Historic Movie Theaters of Columbia, which will be on sale at the end of the tour. All proceeds will go to CoMo Preservation.

CoMo Preservation is devoted to helping homeowners, landlords, and institutions prevent the destruction of historic architecture. Original period styles might be replicated, but will forever lack the social history of authentic structures. The preservation of historic places and spaces gives people a sense of place and boosts Columbia’s economy. You can get involved by volunteering, signing up for our mailing list, attending an event, becoming a member or donating.

Questions? Suggestions for speakers or events? Email CoMoPreservation@gmail.com.


April 23: Verna Laboy-Reviving the past


March 20: Preserving the Indigenous Past